This release of Kokua delivers parity with LL’s 6.4.19 Love Me Render 5 viewer which provides a number of graphical/rendering improvements (see ).

Some of the rendering improvements in this release were ported in advance by Marine Kelley and thus are already in Kokua (including the NORLV version).

Note that there is one specific part of LMR5 that Marine (and Kokua) chose to omit because it changes rendering behaviour significantly (making it more correct, but still creating a difference when content dating back many years is viewed). For more details on this see in the section ‘A word about the EEP shine fix’ towards the end of the page.

This version of Kokua also includes RLV (see ). However, there are no functional changes - all of the fixes in this release were cherry-picked in advance of the release and were present in Kokua 6.4.18.

In addition to parity with 6.4.19 there are a small number of fixes in this version. As usual, notes on some of these follow:-

KKA-860 - The menu for the wearing tab in Outfits has one context sensitive entry which shows Take Off or Detach and another combined entry called Take Off / Detach which has the benefit of always being able to select the same option rather than looking for Take Off sometimes and Detach the rest of the time (the distinction is that you Take Off system clothing layers or alphas/tattoos and Detach attachments - this distinction has become blurred over time since mesh clothing is an object/attachment). However, it hasn’t worked for quite a while. I considered removing it as a duplicated feature but instead fixed the reason it wasn’t working.

KKA-854 - LL viewer 6.4.18 made changes to alpha rendering that had unintended side effects. We cherry-picked LL’s decision to reverse this change. However, LL fast tracked reversing this change and it is also incorporated in their 6.4.19.

KKA-858, KKA-853 and KKA-859 are internal housekeeping changes and will not have any effect on the user experience with this version.


KKA-860 Outfits / Wearing has Take Off / Detach and Detach in menu. Only Detach works

KKA-858 Missing String in strings.xml: [fonts_oxanium.xml]

KKA-854 Alpha rendering issues caused by SL-12069 fix


KKA-853 Update fmodstudio to 2.02.01


KKA-859 Perform merge from LL Viewer 6.4.19 (LMR5 DRTVWR-525)