Kokua 7.1.7 Release Notes

Kokua 7.1.7 Release Notes

This release brings Kokua up to parity with the current LL release 7.1.7, including the Maintenance W, YZ and X releases.

These releases bring a number of fixes to PBR and resolutions to a number of inventory-related bugs introduced with the inventory thumbnails release. Another long-awaited fix in this version is that profile pictures will now fetch fully rather than remaining blurred.

Linux performance is improved in this version with the return of video memory detection. There is still an issue with occasional stalls in rendering due to texture fetching, most noticable when turning on the spot.


https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/ Maintenance W

https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/ Maintenance YZ

https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/ Maintenance X