Kokua 6.4.4 Release Notes

Kokua 6.4.4 Release Notes

This release brings Kokua up to parity with the LL viewer. LL release 6.4.3 switched from using FModEx for sound handling to FMODStudio (Kokua already uses FMODStudio) and 6.4.4 updates the version of the CEF package used for handling inworld visual media.

The RLV and FTRLV versions were originally released as build This version turned out to have severe problems with manually attaching outfits and was withdrawn from release. The replacement RLV/FTRLV version is which may still show some issues with items detached by RLV bouncing back but has the problems with manual attaching resolved.

In the case of Linux recent versions of CEF have proven unreliable as well as complex to build so for the time being we are retaining the previous Linux version of CEF.

We have now licensed and included KDU (better image rendering than OpenJPEG) and the LL Havok third party extensions (PC and Mac only). Icons for these and some other included packages will now appear on the log in screen (a feature LL added in 6.4.3).

Much of the development time between 6.4.2 and 6.4.4 has gone on KDU and CEF inclusion so there are relatively few fixes or new features this time round. Here are the notable ones:-

  • KKA-732/KKA-716 there are still some issues with items reattaching after being detached by a RLV operation. This is a complex area dependant on many variables (such as how quickly inventory operations take place with the server) however we believe this version will show an improvement

  • KKA-731 It is now possible to reduce the size of the camera floater to just show the left hand half with the pan and orbit controls. The resizing is performed using the small arrow at the bottom right of the floater

  • KKA-725 we have ported over the Firestorm feature that allows parcel boundary highlighting to show all the way up to the maximum build height of approx 4000m which is very handy for building at height without crossing borders. The control for this is on the Advanced Build Options floater (“…up to maximum build height”)


The image above won’t display when viewed with the internal browser in 6.4.4 on Windows or Mac (Linux should be OK due to keeping the older CEF version mentioned above). This bug is also present in the LL 6.4.4 version and is presumably a problem with the new CEF version/how Confluence presents images. To see the image please access this page using a conventional web browser

  • KKA-722 parcel properties icons stopped showing the parcel name field after the draw distance slider was added. This has now been fixed

Here is the full issue list resolved in this version however it should be noted that quite a few of these were bugs created and fixed during 6.4.4 development so they were not present in the 6.4.2 release


  • [KKA-723] - Merge FIRE-29530 Adds rigor to Havok support building with and without Havok.

  • [KKA-725] - Port over FIRE-10546 - allow parcel select lines to go to maximum object height

  • [KKA-731] - Camera floater resize


  • [KKA-719] - Merge in LL version 6.4.3

  • [KKA-727] - Perform merge from LL Viewer 6.4.4

  • [KKA-728] - CEF/Linux needs attention after LL 6.4.4 merge


  • [KKA-716] - Still problems with outfits not listing correctly in 6.3.8

  • [KKA-717] - NORLV - Nearby people panel blank

  • [KKA-718] - RLV - Unsit blocks the edit/move arrows

  • [KKA-720] - Camera reset (ESC) always turn avatar also if toggle is off in settings

  • [KKA-721] - Inventory Filter window needs a review

  • [KKA-722] - Parcel properties icons have stopped showing

  • [KKA-724] - Icons at viewer start only show VIVOX on Mac

  • [KKA-729] - 6.4.4 beta - viewer exit on selecting Pathfinding:View/Test floater

  • [KKA-730] - Mesh Model upload dialog has a missing string "COLLADA"

  • [KKA-732] - RLV shared folders reattach