Kokua 6.4.6 Release Notes

Kokua 6.4.6 Release Notes

Once again, we have skipped a version from the previous Kokua release of 6.4.4. On this occasion the reason was that LL withdrew their 6.4.5 shortly after release and reverted to 6.4.4. Accordingly we waited for the next release so that the required fixes on 6.4.5 could be included.

This release brings Kokua to parity with LL viewer release 6.4.6. Both 6.4.5 and 6.4.6 have very few user-visible changes but represent a major overhaul behind the scenes, particularly with the move from Visual Studio 2013 compilation for Windows to Visual Studio 2017. While that may not sound much there has been a considerable amount of work by LL “under the covers” to modernise the code.

The list of issues addressed in this release is below. As usual a few need some more explanation.

KKA-709, KKA-736 - outfit handling under RLV and at login should be more reliable in this version. Some issues may still occur (particularly if a folder/attach point becomes locked before items supposed to be there have arrived) however these should now be on a par with Marine’s own viewer.

KKA-743 - if group chat was muted but the group was active whilst logging in there was a chance the group chat would be shown before the mute list had been loaded. This has now been resolved.

KKA-746 - RLV intentionally avoids hiding the maturity information even when @showloc is restricted. From this version of Kokua it can be hidden too by setting KokuaRLVShowlocHidesMaturity to TRUE. The setting is also available in the RLV pane of Kokua Preferences.

KKA-699 - There has been a long-standing but with a new server feature affecting offline delivery of objects, particularly from scripts rather than avatars. Accordingly most Third Party Viewers stayed with the old way of doing it to avoid this bug. The server issue is now resolved and Kokua changes to the new method in this release.



  • [KKA-709] - MKRLV - Items getting detached at login

  • [KKA-734] - Change accent colour from green to purple

  • [KKA-736] - Outfit changes do not work

  • [KKA-740] - Havok absent warning is given when physicsextension_tpv is included

  • [KKA-743] - "Receive group instant messages" should stay checked through relogs

  • [KKA-746] - RLV @showloc should also hide maturity text and icon in navagation bar

  • [KKA-748] - Lost functionality with new camera presets floater


  • [KKA-741] - Clear Cache when graphics engine changes.

  • [KKA-744] - More detail on link and face numbering in Tools (Edit Object) floater


  • [KKA-699] - FSUseReadOfflineMsgsCap

  • [KKA-745] - Perform merge from LL Viewer 6.4.5

  • [KKA-749] - Perform merge from LL Viewer 6.4.6