Kokua Release 6.6.2 for Windows and Mac only

As noted in the previous blog post https://kokua.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KKA/blog/2022/07/26/1857978369 we are currently unable to build Linux versions of the viewer at version 6.6.0 or above. We’d like to thank those who have already expressed an interest in helping and we are still looking for further assistance.

This release brings Kokua up to date with the last three LL releases (the 6.6.0 Performance release, the 6.6.1 Maintenance release and the 6.6.2 Copy/Paste release).

For more information on 6.6.2 including our own bug fixes and new features see: https://kokua.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KKA/pages/1860239361 or head straight to the https://kokua.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KKA/pages/15237201 page