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Stay informed about the latest Kokua news

Keep visiting this site! We also publish inworld Group Notices in Second Life for notable events

Ask a question or get help using Kokua

Try the inworld Kokua group first for user-to-user support. This can solve many issues quickly and without needing to contact the development team. If the question is unanswered raise an issue ticket in Jira.

Report a bug / Propose a new feature

Raise a ticket in our Jira instance. We follow a release-fast/release-often policy (partly by intent, partly because we’re a very small team without dedicated QA resources) so it’s to be expected that rough edges will slip through sometimes.

Submit a patch for inclusion in the viewer

There are instructions on the procedure to follow at our Bitbucket Repositories. Very small patches can also be submitted via a ticket in Jira

Contribute or volunteer

Helpers are always welcomed. We’re currently a very small team with the developers doing everything. OpenSim development is currently on hold until we can grow the team. Aurora and Imprudence have both been static for so long that they would need significant work to become viable again.

Contact the team for something else

Raise a ticket in Jira (preferred) or for privacy contact Chorazin Allen within Second Life


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