Other Versions

This is the landing page for Kokua logins when a matching Release Notes page doesn’t exist (or is an older version where the Release Notes have been moved to the Older Versions page (https://kokua.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KKA/pages/1638891573)

This version of Kokua doesn’t have a release notes page associated with it. This could be because you’re using an older version with newer settings or it may be a test version or it may be a forthcoming release and the Release Notes have not yet been published

If you have sharp eyes you may have noticed a redirection through kokuaviewer.org.uk on the way to this page. Don’t panic! We use the redirection to map between the algorithm generated URL that Kokua produces and the Confluence page naming format which includes the page’s unique ID (eg 15237229 on this page)