Kokua Release 6.4.4

This release brings Kokua up to parity with LL including the content of releases 6.4.3 (FMODStudio) and 6.4.4 (CEF).

It appears that the new CEF incorporated by LL has problems displaying images from some sources (including Confluence where this resource is hosted) thus the screenshot on the Release Notes page shown when this version is first run will not display correctly on PC or Mac. Linux is unaffected since we have retained the previous CEF version there.

Aside from keeping up with LL the main news for this version is the inclusion of the licensed KDU library (which provides superior JPEG processing compared to OpenJPEG) and sub-licencing access to Havok in the viewer from LL (providing physics capability for mesh uploads and full pathfinding functionality). The Linux version will give a warning message when a Havok-provided function would be required and is not present.

6.4.4 for RLV and FTRLV was withdrawn and rebuilt following discovery of an issue affecting manual outfit attaching. The affected build is The replacement is The NORLV version was unaffected and remains at

For more on the changes in this version see: https://kokua.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KKA/pages/508559361

For download locations and file checksums see: https://kokua.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KKA/pages/15237201