Kokua 6.4.7 Release Notes

Kokua 6.4.7 Release Notes

This release brings Kokua to parity with the LL 6.4.7 Arrack Maintenance Release. See this link for its release notes.

In addition there are a couple of RLV-specific bug fixes within Kokua, listed below.

This is a light release from Kokua’s perspective to get us back on track with following LL’s releases closely.

KKA-750/KKA-706 is the bug where the effects of an avatar deformer would be lost if another item in the outfit was detached. Now the effects will be reapplied immediately afterwards.

KKA-752 - In FTRLV the only way to make OOC comments is via redirected chat, with the object handling the chat deciding whether to emit the OOC comment or not. However, this wasn’t working even when KokuaRLVOOChatIsRedirected is enabled (which is the default setting). This bug only affected FTRLV; the standard RLV version behaved as expected with RestrainedLoveCanOOC acting as a master switch and KokuaRLVOOCChatIsRedirected deciding whether to pass it to chat or to chat redirection.


  • [KKA-750] - KKA-706 is back in 6.4.6

  • [KKA-752] - FTRLV only - OOC redirection isn't working


  • [KKA-751] - Perform merge from LL Viewer 6.4.7